White Collar Crime
There are a variety of nonviolent crimes which are considered to be white collar crimes, and the common denominator is that they take place in commercial situations with the purpose of achieving financial gain. According to the FBI, white collar crimes cost the United States more than $300 billion every year. Therefore, people found to be committing these crimes are often harshly prosecuted, especially if the white collar crime violated a federal law. White collar crimes are deliberate acts motivated by profit and tend to be made up of complex, sophisticated, and technical actions. White collar crimes include such criminal activities as:
Money Laundering
Identity Theft
Insider Trading
Conspiracy & RICO Crimes
Bank & Bankruptcy Fraud
Tax Evasion
Computer & Internet Crimes
The government has the power to sanction both individuals and corporations for these offenses, and will be very thorough when prosecuting these types of crimes. Lengthy, meticulous investigations typically precede charges for white collar crimes, making it especially important to have representation. The earlier you have a lawyer representing you, the better the chance you will have of overcoming your charges. The moment you suspect you are under investigation is the perfect time to call the Law Firm of Lea P. Krauss, Esq.

Our firm focuses on providing well-grounded, innovative solutions to your legal problems or those of loved ones. We are known not only for the high quality of our legal work, but also for the personal service we provide.